
The aim of this programme is to provide candidates with the necessary training to independently plan and conduct CCR dives to a maximum depth of 30 metres (without decompression) with a buddy of the same level of certification.

This CCR beginner programme introduces candidates to the training techniques and skills of the relevant CCR units.

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 CCR Diving rEvo Certification
– Enriched Air Nitrox Instructor
– Deep Diving Instructor
– Diver Stress & Rescue Instructor

Minimum logged dives:
30 CCR dives deeper than 25 meters and 100 hours of runtime on the unit used.

Duration: 10 days

The maximum decompression time must not exceed 25 minutes.

The aim of this programme is to provide candidates with the necessary training to dive to depths up to 40 metres using air or to depths up to 45 metres using Trimix as a diluent.

The maximum decompression time must not exceed 25 minutes.

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 CCR Technical Extended Range rEvo Certification
– Enriched Air Nitrox Instructor
– Deep Diving Instructor
– Diver Stress & Rescue Instructor

Minimum logged dives:
30 CCR dives deeper than 30 meters and 100 hours of runtime on the unit used.

Duration: 10 days

The aim of this programme is to provide candidates with the necessary training to plan and conduct unlimited decompression dives independently with an equally qualified dive buddy to a depth of 60 metres, using a CCR unit and various stage tanks for bail-outs.

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– CCR Hypoxic Trimix rEvo Certification
– CCR Extended Range Instructor

Minimum logged dives:
50 CCR dives deeper than 50 meters, 150 hours runtime on the unit used.

Duration: 5 days

The aim of this programme is to provide candidates with the necessary training to conduct dives to a depth of 100 metres using the same CCR Extended Range Total Diving System with which candidates have mastered the previous programmes.

However, candidates will now use at least two, maximum three stages for bailout gases.

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– CCR Hypoxic Trimix rEvo Certification
– CCR Technical Extended Range Instructor

Minimum logged dives:
30 CCR dives deeper than 50 meters, 250 hours of runtime on the unit used.

Duration: 5 days